Cara Share lock Posisi Saat Ini di The Legend of Neverland

Cara Share lock Posisi Saat Ini di The Legend of Neverland Share Lock Posisi berguna untuk memudahkan teman atau orang lain menuju lokasi/tempat kita berada The Legend of Neverland memiliki map yang sangat luas dan kita bebas menjelajahinya. Jika kita ingin pergi ke tempat/lokasi teman yang jauh dari tempat kita berada tentu akan lama pergi dengan berjalan kaki.  Oleh karena itu kita butuh cara cepat, yaitu dengan teleport ke tempat tempat/lokasi teman kita berada. Di sini kita harus menyuruh teman untuk share lokasi/tempat dia berada.  Cara share lokasi/tempat di The Legend of Neverland adalah sebagai berikut.  Klik Gambar Sticker Klik Posisi Klik Gambar Sticker Cara pertama share lokasi/tempat di The Legend of Neverland adalah dengan mengklik gambar stiker seperti gambar di atas.  Klik Posisi Cara kedua share lokasi/tempat di The Legend of Neverland adalah klin posisi seperti gambar di atas, lalu mengirim posisi saat ini. Dengan ini teman kamu bisa teleport, pergi ...

How to Get Diamonds and Coins on Hotel Hideaway- Hotel Hideaway

Diamond and Coins on Hotel Hideaway

Hotel hideaway is an online game that allows us to meet people all over the world. Here you can collect and wear various types of clothing to impress others. The clothes themselves you can get for free at the tailor of fotune or buy them using coins or diamonds in public rooms. Therefore, coins and diamonds are important for us to have.

How to get diamonds / diamonds on hotel hideaway is as follows.

  1.      Complete the Clothing Set in Tailor of Fortune
  2.      Buy at the shop
  3.      Dimension / Rift Diamond Cracks
  4.      Loot
  5.      Sticker Book Achievement
  6.      Daily Prizes
  • Complete the Clothing Set in Tailor of Fortune  

How to get diamonds at the 1st hotel hideaway is to complete the Tailor of Fortune set of clothes. Therefore it is important for us to continue to do the rounds at the tailor of fortune to get new clothes.
  •   Buy at the shop
How to get diamonds in the 2nd hotel hideaway is to buy it in the shop at a certain price. Here you can buy diamonds according to the money we have.

  •  Dimension / Rift Diamond Cracks
The way to get diamonds at the 3rd hotel hideaway is to find a Diamond Dimension / Rift Crack. We can find these diamond dimension cracks in public rooms with very little chance of appearing. Don't forget to always watch videos before and after starting the rift to get more diamonds and also always party with friends when doing rift to get more diamonds. When collecting rifts we should log in to our other avatars as well.
  • Loot
How to get diamonds at the 4th hotel hideaway is to do a loot in the Oasis Lobby. Here you have the chance to get diamonds.
  •  Sticker Book Achievement

How to get diamonds in the 5th hotel hideaway is to complete the achievement in the sticker book.
  • Daily Prizes

The way to get diamonds in the 6th hotel hideaway is to keep playing hideaway hotel every day to collect hideaway prizes.

How to Get Coins on Hotel Hideaway  is as follows

  1.      Dimension / Rift Cracks
  2.      Loot
  3.      Buy at the shop
  4.      Tailor of Fortune
  5.      Daily Prizes
  •  Dimension / Rift Cracks

The way to get coins or money in the 1st hotel hideaway is to collect coins in the dimension rift / crack. This dimension crack is a workplace in this game to get money or coins. It is different from the workplace in other games, but this dimension rift / crack is very easy to do and generates a lot of coins or money. So this game is very easy to get coins or money. Rift or cracks of the dimensions of this coin can be found in public rooms at random with an indefinite time and also always party with friends when doing rift to get more coins. Don't forget to always watch videos before and after starting the rift to get more coins. When collecting rifts we should log in to other avatars that we have.
  • Loot 
How to get coins or money at the 2nd hotel hideaway is to do a Loot in the Oasis Lobby. When looting you can get an ordinary box, a gold box, and a crystal box that contains clothes, items, or coins.
  •  Buy at the shop

How to get coins or money at the 3rd hotel hideaway is to buy in a shop using diamonds; issuing 6400 diamonds will get 136,000 coins, issuing 1600 diamonds will get 34,000 coins, issuing 800 diamonds will get 17,000 coins, and issuing 200 diamonds will get 4250 coins.
  •  Tailor of Fortune

How to get coins or money at the 4th hotel hideaway is to do the Tailor of Fortune round in the Oasis Lobby. Here we have the opportunity to get an additional bonus in the form of coins. 
  •  Daily Prizes

The way to get coins or money at the 5th hotel hideaway is to keep playing hideaway hotel every day to collect daily prizes.

Now that's how to get diamonds / coins and coins / money on hotel hideaway.

Thank you


  1. Beri 5000. 000 diamond sekarang ichasanna dan ratu hotel hideaway


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